Shawn Reilly

Long ago when I sat at the gatehouse at Eagle Creek Park, surrounded by wildlife and far too many trees, a co-worker was generous enough to ask me about my books. I told her about a few and then, while kicking a spider out the door, she had an ingenious thought, which she proceeded to share with me. Soon after the creative wheels started turning in my brain, Bug was born. I made a lot of notes and I actually wrote six chapters before storing Bug among the dust and clutter of my hard drive, along with so many other unfinished WIP.
I let Bug sit for two whole years and then while taking a hiatus from The Union Series I opened up the document and started reading. When I got to the end of that sixth chapter I thought back on that day at Eagle Creek wondering if Patti ever thought I was insane. Bug is probably the most quirky book I’ve ever written, but one I hope readers of all ages will enjoy. This book is dedicated to Patti for the idea, Kristin for giving me even more material to work with, and for every one out there that feels they’re too small and insignificant to make a difference.
Then when I was vacationing in Florida I realized that Bug was getting to big to be just one book so I decided to break the book into two halves. Spun is the continuince of Bug and Tobias's story.
They are YA paranormal romance/fantasy
But hopefully readers of all ages can enjoy them.